God has provided us with unprecedented means through modern technology to distribute the Gospel of Jesus Christ on a global level. While the message of Christ has remained the same throughout the ages of Hebrews 13:8, current media technology allows us to share His Word – the Good News Gospel to all nations as directed in Jesus’ own words. These words ” go and make disciples of all the nations” Matthew 28:19 is as relevant today as it was two thousand years ago.
In the marriage of Internet technology with television capabilities, the door to inter-active (two way) global communication has never been more pronounced or more powerful than it is today. A new threshold has been opened to mankind and with it numerous new and dynamic possibilities order by God.
So what will we make of these opportunities?
The answers lie in taking our God-given talents, abilities, knowledge, and gifts and use them for His purposes and His plan for mankind. Good News Broadcasting & Multimedia – GNBM.org is an organization of Believers that is faith-based, Holy Spirit led, and Jesus centered ready, willing, and able to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to all nations through modern multimedia technology.
Our Divine Assignment
The Great Commission is Jesus’ last words spoken to us before his departure from earth and ascension into heaven. This has been His standing orders found in the Bible- a commission to all His disciples to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ – baptizing new believers and teaching them to obey everything he commanded. The Bible is the source of our Good News Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Requires Surrender
If you are a Believer who belongs to Jesus Christ and surrenders to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, then you are a true disciple of Christ. True disciples allow Christ to live His life through them. Christ warned us that this is a costly position and to consider ahead of time what is involved. It becomes a matter of surrender to the love of our Heavenly Father. This is a surrender that surpasses all other relationships in our lives, all other needs, and desires—a complete surrender of our life.
“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brother and sisters – yes, even his own life – he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26
“Hate” is a strong word; the Greek bible translation actually means “to love less.” What all this means is that to be True disciples of Jesus Christ, our love for Him surpasses our attachments to the most precious things in our life. We obey Him even at the cost of being misunderstood. This complete surrender is faith in His will for our lives here and in eternity, and our reward is greater than we can possibly imagine.

Requires Service
It is not all about “me,” it is about something far more significant than ourselves; it is about our obedience to God, which is to love others as we love ourselves Mark 12:30-31.
God will never ask us to do something contrary to scripture or inconsistent with Jesus’ life. The assignment He gives us may be misunderstood by the eyes of the world, but if Holy Spirit led, it would be compatible with Biblical teaching and God’s will.
We are to ask ourselves, “To what am I attached?” There is nothing wrong with enjoying relationships or belongings as long as possessions and emotional attachment do not supersede our Heavenly Father in importance. The question is, “Are we led by our material needs and desires, or are we led by our divine Creator?” We are Disciples for Christ, and in this Commission, we must be available to do whatever God says and to go wherever He directs, regardless of what His choice may be. Detached from the world and attached to Jesus Christ – not to possessions, ideologies, or relationships.
Good News Broadcasting & Multimedia, Inc
Good News Broadcasting & Multimedia, Inc (GNBM.org) is a faith-based Christian global online ministry 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2007 dedicated to spreading the Good News Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world through modern multimedia technology.
In 2013 Good News Broadcasting & Multimedia, Inc founded and now sponsors Prayer Warriors 365 (PW365.org) which is provides LIVE online meetings in Christian Restoration and on the Power of Prayer leading to powerful Intercessory Prayer Warriors around the world.
OUR MISSION: To provide interactive online restoration, teaching on the power of prayer, and spreading the good news gospel as ascribed in The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) through global modern multimedia communication technology one person-at-a-time, one-day-at-a-time! GOD-GIVEN TECHNOLOGY AND GOD-GIVEN GIFTS God has provided us with the unprecedented means through modern technology to distribute the Gospel of Jesus Christ on a global level.
Physical Location: Shiner, Texas
Mail Address: P.O. Box 161 ♦ Shiner, Texas 77984
Executive Director: Regina M. Dick
Email: Contact@GNBM.org