The plight of Pakistan’s most recent encounter with persecution of Christians includes the burning of homes with over 300 homeless people finding only refuge in corn fields with no water, food, or clothing. is providing much-needed funds and Intercessory prayer through our Prayer Warriors 365 team to bring aid to these people.
We ask that you join us in supporting this mission by sending contributions
and praying for continued relief for the people of Pakistan. Please designate “MISSIONS” when donating.
From our Good News Broadcasting & Multimedia, Inc. missionary and part of the Prayer Warriors 365 team,
Pastor Ashiq Gill brings us news from the recent devastation occurring against Christians.
More photos and videos to come.
“Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ…
Yesterday we tried to reach out to where they staying right now they stay in rental houses. We bought some groceries, and other items, and tried to reach out door to door and help them with one-week groceries item to many families not all get family but as we can do of the local sisters help for find people where they live right now and I also visited door too door church to church at burning place .slowly slowly smile on their face come back when I give them food they really happy and prayer for you all …
Especially Prayer Warrior 365 and Sis Regina.
I promised them we also pray for you all and also collect more funds …
My local sister told me they need some cash they burn everything they need in first priority food and kitchen things like the stove and electric meter supply of electricity is also burning and gas supply.
Next, as I get funds we will try to give them clothes or a stove or shoes…”
Our Divine Assignment
The Great Commission is Jesus’ last words spoken to us before his departure from earth and ascension into heaven. This has been His standing orders found in the Bible- a commission to all His disciples to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ – baptizing new believers and teaching them to obey everything he commanded. The Bible is the source of our Good News Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Requires Service
It is not all about “me,” it is about something far more significant than ourselves; it is about our obedience to God, which is to love others as we love ourselves Mark 12:30-31.
God will never ask us to do something contrary to scripture or inconsistent with Jesus’ life. The assignment He gives us may be misunderstood by the eyes of the world, but if Holy Spirit led, it would be compatible with Biblical teaching and God’s will.
We are to ask ourselves, “To what am I attached?” There is nothing wrong with enjoying relationships or belongings as long as possessions and emotional attachment do not supersede our Heavenly Father in importance. The question is, “Are we led by our material needs and desires, or are we led by our divine Creator?” We are Disciples for Christ, and in this Commission, we must be available to do whatever God says and to go wherever He directs, regardless of what His choice may be. Detached from the world and attached to Jesus Christ – not to possessions, ideologies, or relationships.