Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness…Matthew 4:1-25

Time in The Wilderness

Albeit most challenging, our time spent in the Wilderness brings Spiritual wisdom and understanding not found anywhere else but in the presence of God. When the call comes to find answers, man invariably seeks everywhere else but in the long-awaiting arms of our heavenly Father. God is the one relationship that will never disappoint nor forsake (Hebrews 13:5). Yet, most spend a lifetime in search of this truth. When The Truth, namely Jesus Christ, opened the pathway to the presence of God at the cross revelation knowledge and Spiritual wisdom beyond measure became available to all who believe in Him.

At the moment of our simple surrender, we begin our spiritual journey of relationship with God.  It takes personal time in the Wilderness to come to this most profound revelation.


What is the Wilderness Period?

In the old testament of the Bible, when the Israelites wandered in the desert for forty years in search of the promised land (Exodus 16), each one found themselves tested beyond everything they once had known. They encountered fear, doubt, unbelief, anger, confusion, disappointment, and even loneliness as they struggled to believe in the goodness of the God of their forefathers.

Like the Israelite’s, we also can experience a wilderness a period of nowhere to turn in our lives but God. We may encounter periods in our lives fraught with spiritual, emotional, relational, and even financial drought beyond our control. A time when we find ourselves alone overwhelmed with various trials and temptations knocking at every door — a time of testing.

The dryness of the wilderness period comes when we attempt to find the answers through our “own understanding” but find none. In desperation, we seek the advice of others only to find disappointment as the drought persists. We find ourselves questioning God as His voice seems silent. What is going on?

Like a drowning victim flailing helplessly as the waves of the ocean persist one right after another, we cry for help! We panic as fear grabs hold of our emotions, and our situation seems impossible. Yet in the heat of the battle, amidst often overwhelming desperation, we find surrender; and salvation is ours in the hands of Almighty God!

Being Led Through the Wilderness

Before Jesus Christ began the three years of the most intense part of His ministry, he was led up by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness. He knew this was the time of testing as Satan preyed on his human vulnerabilities. As the Son of God, He had the power to remedy any situation that arose immediately, yet he chose to submit to the testing. God made flesh humbled himself, experiencing our trials and temptations. 

His death and subsequent resurrection provided each one of us as Believers all we need through the power of His Holy Spirit to lead us victoriously through the wilderness periods of our lives. What the Israelites could not achieve in the wilderness Jesus provides through His Holy Spirit in us as we surrender to Him in every area of our lives. We not only can walk through the wilderness periods of our lives in victory, growing in faith in His love, but we walk in victory in all He calls us to do. Victory continually won by surrender!

1 Comment

  1. admin

    This can be the hardest time in life, yet the most profound. Once we come out of the wilderness we experience the promised land.


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